Screen Capture Mac Os Mojave

How to take a screenshot on your Mac

  • And screen recording on the Mac works surprisingly well, particularly with the latest MacOS versions like MacOS Catalina, macOS Mojave, and MacOS Big Sur. You’ll capture a recording of the display, and the recorded video is available as a movie file that you can edit, share, publish, or do whatever you want with.
  • There were two shortcuts to take a screenshot before Mojave; Shift + Command + 3 for entire screen and Shift + Command + 4 for a selected part of the screen. A new shortcut and toolkit Apple added a third shortcut for raking the screenshots using the new toolkit, Shift+Command+5.
  • MacOS: How to use the new screenshot features in Mojave Use the keyboard shortcuts cmd + shift + 3 for a standard screen shot, or cmd + shift + 4 to make a selection (or. Use cmd + shift + 5 to open the new screen shot interface available in Mojave Click Options in the new interface to show mouse.

MacOS Mojave screen capture interface. Check out our how to guide on How to record your screen in macOS Mojave. Capture the entire screen. Your pointer changes to a camera. Click any screen to capture that screen or click Capture in the onscreen controls. You can also still use the old school shortcut: Shift-Command (⌘)-3.

  1. To take a screenshot, press and hold these three keys together: Shift, Command, and 3.
  2. If you see a thumbnail in the corner of your screen, click it to edit the screenshot. Or wait for the screenshot to save to your desktop.

How to capture a portion of the screen

  1. Press and hold these three keys together: Shift, Command, and 4.
  2. Drag the crosshair to select the area of the screen to capture. To move the selection, press and hold Space bar while dragging. To cancel taking the screenshot, press the Esc (Escape) key.
  3. To take the screenshot, release your mouse or trackpad button.
  4. If you see a thumbnail in the corner of your screen, click it to edit the screenshot. Or wait for the screenshot to save to your desktop.

How to capture a window or menu

  1. Open the window or menu that you want to capture.
  2. Press and hold these keys together: Shift, Command, 4, and Space bar. The pointer changes to a camera icon . To cancel taking the screenshot, press the Esc (Escape) key.
  3. Click the window or menu to capture it. To exclude the window's shadow from the screenshot, press and hold the Option key while you click.
  4. If you see a thumbnail in the corner of your screen, click it to edit the screenshot. Or wait for the screenshot to save to your desktop.

Where to find screenshots

By default, screenshots save to your desktop with the name ”Screen Shot [date] at [time].png.”

In macOS Mojave or later, you can change the default location of saved screenshots from the Options menu in the Screenshot app. You can also drag the thumbnail to a folder or document.

Learn more

  • In macOS Mojave or later, you can also set a timer and choose where screenshots are saved with the Screenshot app. To open the app, press and hold these three keys together: Shift, Command, and 5. Learn more about the Screenshot app.
  • Some apps, such as the Apple TV app, might not let you take screenshots of their windows.
  • To copy a screenshot to the Clipboard, press and hold the Control key while you take the screenshot. You can then paste the screenshot somewhere else. Or use Universal Clipboard to paste it on another Apple device.

If you’ve been a Mac user for a while, you might have noticed that the venerable Screenshot (formerly Grab) app, the app you use to manage screen capture features including timed shots and cursor visibility, is no longer in your Utilities folder in macOS Mojave.

In its place, Mojave has more and better screen-shooting capabilities than any version of macOS before it. Screenshot’s functionality and more are woven into the fabric of Mojave itself. Furthermore, Screenshot has been updated in several useful ways.

Full Screen Mac Os X

All of your old favorite keyboard shortcuts for screen capture — the ones you’ve known and loved on the Mac since time immemorial — still work the same as always:

To capture the entire screen:

  1. PressCommand +Shift+3.
  2. There is no Step 2.

To capture part of the screen:

  1. Press Command +Shift+4.
  2. Move the pointer (crosshair icon) to where you want to start the screenshot.
  3. Press the mouse or trackpad button, then drag over the area you want to capture.
  4. Release the mouse or trackpad button to capture the selected area.

To cancel, press Esc before you release the mouse button.

To capture a window or the menu bar:

  1. Press Command +Shift+4 and then press the Spacebar.
  2. Move the pointer (camera icon) over the area you wish to capture; when it is highlighted, click to capture the selected item.

Screen Capture Mac Os Mojave


To cancel, press Esc before you click.


To capture a menu and its title:

  1. Open the menu to display the menu commands.
  2. Press Command +Shift+4.
  3. Drag the pointer (crosshair icon) over the entire menu.
    If you want to exclude the menu’s title, press Command+Shift+4, press the Spacebar, move the pointer (camera icon) over the menu to highlight it, then click.

Mojave screen-shooting 101

In addition to the old, familiar screenshot shortcuts just discussed, Mojave adds a third keyboard shortcut that includes everything you can do using the other shortcuts and more.

That fabulous new shortcut is Command +Shift+5, and you’d be wise to memorize it because, like the other two screenshot keyboard shortcuts, it doesn’t appear in any menu or application. If you’re going to memorize only one shortcut for screen captures, it should be Command +Shift+5, which will open the floating palette of screen-shooting options shown here.

To capture your screen as a still image, first click the appropriate button: Capture Entire Screen, Capture Selected Window, or Capture Selected Portion. When everything is the way you want it, click the Capture button.

What happens next, before the screenshot appears on your desktop (by default), is new in Mojave. The new thing is a floating thumbnail that appears in the lower-right corner of your screen (above the Trash icon shown here).

If you do nothing, the floating thumbnail will disappear after a few seconds and the screenshot will appear on the desktop by default.

But click the floating thumbnail before it goes away and a wonderful new thing happens: A window appears with a bevy of useful tools for modifying images, as shown.

These tools are known as Markup — a systemwide set of tools for annotating PDF and image files.

And, as you just saw, these tools also appear if you click the floating thumbnail of a screenshot before it disappears.

Screen Capture In Mac Os Mojave

These powerful tools enable you to annotate screenshots in ways never before possible without a third-party graphics app. Now you can easily add circles, boxes, arrows, and text to your screenshots, image files, and PDFs without even launching an app.

When you’ve finished annotating and editing your screenshot, click Done in the upper-left corner of the window.

Mojave screen-shooting options

If you want to change the location where your screenshots are saved, click the Options menu, which is available after you press Command +Shift+5. The Options menu also allows you to select a timer of None (the default), 5 seconds, or 10 seconds.

Screen Capture Macos Mojave

Finally, the Options menu lets you enable or disable the floating thumbnail, show or hide the mouse pointer, and remember the last selection you made (for your next screenshot).

Another set of options appears when you right- or Control-click the floating thumbnail, as shown.

Note that selecting Markup is the same as clicking the floating thumbnail — it opens the Markup window so you can annotate your screenshot.

Mojave screen recording

Screen recording — movies of your Mac (or iDevice) screens — has been around for a few years on the Mac, but it’s been buried in the QuickTime Player app. I didn’t discuss it in that chapter because the new Mojave way is so much easier and more convenient. (If you want to make a movie of your iDevice screen, you’ll still need to use QuickTime Player.)

Anyway, to make a movie of all or part of your Mac screen, begin by pressing Command +Shift+5. Then click either the Record Entire Screen or Record Selected Portion. If you click Record Entire Screen, the recording begins immediately; if you click Record Selected Portion, you need to drag the on-screen handles to select the area you want to record, and then click the Record button.

To end the recording, click the Stop button in the menu bar, as shown.

Mac Os Mojave Requirements

When the floating thumbnail appears in the lower-right corner of your screen, you can right- or Control-click it for additional options, or do nothing to have the screen recording saved in your default location.