Driver Ti Cc2540 Usb Cdc Download

Win 7 64bit usbcdcdrivercc2540.inf OK on some machines. Win 8 32bit ccxxxxusbcdc.inf OK. Win 8 64bit ccxxxxusbcdc.inf OK. We just found that the driver failed when halUartPollEvt get no USBIRQEVENTSETUP from USBIRQGETEVENTMASK. SERVICE = 'TI USB CDC Driver' DESCSRFEB = 'TI SmartRFEB USB CDC Serial Port' DESCCC1111 = 'TI CC1111 USB CDC Serial Port'. DESCCC2540 = 'TI CC2540 USB CDC Serial Port' DESCCC2544 = 'TI CC2544 USB CDC Serial Port' DESCCCXXXXBL = 'TI CCxxxx Generic USB CDC Boot Loader' DESCREMOTINP = 'RemoTI Network Processor' Toggle all file notes. The device connects to a Windows PC's USB port, and is pre-loaded with the master demo application software, work with BLE Device Monitor and BTool to display services, characteristics and attributes of any Bluetooth low energy device including TI sensortag monitoring and OAD The device can be reprogrammed to be a BLE packet sniffer device and work with Packet Sniffer analyzing the BLE. BLE-CC254x-1.3.2-Usb2Usb-(V1.0-20140817) BLE CC2540 Serial Port USB passthrough source code.


Driver Ti Cc2540 Usb Cdc Download

The CC2540 USB Evaluation Module Kit contains one CC2540 Bluetooth low energy USB Dongle. The dongle can be used to enable Bluetooth low energy on your PC. It can also be used as a packet sniffer for analyzing the BLE protocol and for software and system level debugging (use the free tool SmartRF Packet Sniffer). The dongle comes preprogrammed as a BLE host device monitor. To program and debug software running on the dongle, you need the CC Debugger or SmartRF05EB board (not included in the kit).


Driver Ti Cc2540 Usb Cdc Downloads

#FileDescriptionFile size
1Quick Instructions229 KB
2Packet sniffer driverPacket sniffer driver
71 KB
3Packet sniffer and driverPacket sniffer and driver
22 MB
4sniffer_fw_cc2540_usbBLE Sniffer Hex File
17 KB